Real Estate Trends

Trends in the Industrial Spaces Market for the Year 2024

2024 promises to be a year full of challenges and opportunities in the industrial space and logistics industry. Companies in this field face several changes and disruptions, but at the same time, innovations and emerging technologies allow them to successfully navigate the ever-changing landscape. Here are some of the new trends that will shape the […]

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Innovation in Digital Architecture: Redefines corporate office spaces

In the dynamic context of the B2B industry, a new paradigm in corporate architecture is emerging, transforming workspaces into true sanctuaries of innovation. From concrete to code, this remarkable evolution not only reflects the rapid pace of technology but also inspires collaboration and creativity in an unexpected way. In a landscape dominated by algorithms and […]

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Here are the best areas in Bucharest to rent business spaces: offices and warehouses

Bucharest is not only the capital of the country, but also a pole of business and innovation. Choosing a suitable location for the office space or logistic warehouses for the development of your company’s activity can significantly influence the success of your business. Although the choice of the best area in Bucharest for renting business […]

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Green Spaces Have Become the Most sought-after Amenities Offered by Business Parks

Even though the pandemic crisis has slowed the pace of construction of new office buildings, those delivered during the pandemic, or which are now under construction, have adapted to the new demands from tenants. As a result of the cessation of the state of alert starting with 09.03.2022 and the revocation of the restrictions for […]

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Consolidare versus atomizare pe piata de birouri

Consolidation versus “atomization” on the office market due to COVID 19

What will companies do in the post-COVID-19 period? Will they return to the consolidation strategy, namely placing the entire company under a single roof, be that an office building or a business park? Or will they choose to “atomize” them through Work from Home or Work Near Home? Or will they adopt a hybrid strategy […]

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Office Buildings in Central ZACA Area and Projects Outside the Area With Bans for Polluting Cars

Update 24.10.2019 The Capital City Hall approved the introduction of the vignette in Bucharest. Downtown, cars under Euro 3 (Non-Euro, Euro 1 and Euro 2) will not be allowed next year, and from 2021 nor those below Euro 4. All cars under 5 euros will pay a vignette to drive on the other streets, outside […]

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District 5 City Hall Proposes a Project for the Development of the Largest Free Plot in Bucharest

City Hall of District 5 has recently held a public debate on the development of the Antiaerian project, on the most extensive free plot in Bucharest, about 110 hectares. Along with our company, representatives of the foremost real estate developers in Bucharest and several major real estate companies were invited. The initial project proposes building […]

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The Last Mile: the Western Phenomenon, Placing the Most Sought-After Warehouses in the City

In big cities in the USA, England, and Germany, the most hunted industrial spaces are the logistics spaces inside the city as close as possible to the end consumer of e-commerce (online sales) and delivery companies, called last-mile.  The battle for these deposits is between Amazon and the delivery companies (such as UPC, FedEx) that […]

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What Works Will Be Executed at Fabrica De Glucoza Road and What Impact Will They Have

Fabrica de Glucoza, from the North of the Capital, will be widened to four bands, wide-sidewalks, bike paths, connected to the A3 highway, and the intersection with Barbu-Văcărescu will be reconfigured, to streamline traffic in the area.  These infrastructure works will increase access to offices in the Pipera, Dimitrie Pompeiu, Petricani areas and will reduce […]

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A New PUZ of District 4 City Hall Could Create a Future Pole of Offices

The mayor of District 4 in Bucharest Daniel Băluţă, told Ziarul Financiar that they are working on a PUZ (Zonal Urban Plan) for a vacant lot, which could be transformed into a new office pole. „Calea Văcăreşti is an area with great potential for offices because it is close to the center and is connected […]

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Choose your office in Business Park

We find you the best offices in business parks in Bucharest, to energize your team

0% Tenant fee!
412 - 7.206 sqm

ONE Cotroceni Park

Cotroceni, Bucharest
  • 16,75€/sqm, negotiable
0% Tenant fee!
400 - 16.915 sqm

Sema Parc Bucharest

Grozavesti, Bucharest
  • 12,50 - 14,50€/sqm, negotiable
0% Tenant fee!
1.000 - 12.000 sqm

U Center Bucharest

Tineretului, Bucharest
0% Tenant fee!
467 - 11.484 sqm

The Bridge Bucharest

Grozavesti, Bucharest
  • 15,90 - 16€/sqm, negotiable
Show all the Business Parks for Rent in Bucharest (27 offers)