Which offices are being rented in Bucharest: Borza’s lawyers go to the Opera Center. An IT company chose Plevnei
Two of the most recent transactions on the office market in the Capital were made by the software company StreamWide and by the law firms Remus Borza – the insolvency firm Euro Insolv and the law firm Borza & Asociatii.
Thus, while StreamWide, the company with 35 employees, rented a space of 540 square meters in a building in the Plevna area, Remus Borza’s consultants rented 750 square meters in Opera Center, a building in CA’s portfolio. Immo from Austria. The software company was assisted in finding the new headquarters by Esop Consulting consultants, while CBRE assisted the lawyer Remus Borza.
StreamWide chose the building in the Plevna area after the owner agreed to install an electric generator that could fully cover the electricity needs in case of a power failure.
You can read the full article by accessing the web page http://www.zf.ro/companii/ce-birouri-se-mai-inchiriaza-in-bucuresti-avocatii-lui-borza-merg-in-opera-center-o-firma-it-a-ales-plevnei-9483760