In the second quarter of 2019 five new office projects were completed, with a total GLA of 100,000 sqm, of which around 55% being already pre-rented. In this quarter some companies opted to maintain their current office space, the expansion and renewal transactions adding up to 39.000 sqm.
In Q2 2019, demand for modern office space in Bucharest was of 90,000 sqm. Net take-up represented 67% from the total volume recorded and consisted mainly of pre-leases and new operations. North and downtown areas became once again the most attractive ones, with approx 75% of the net take-up.
The most active occupiers were companies from Technology and Telecommunications sector – 42% from the total take-up, followed by companies from Manufacturing, Medical&Pharma and Financial sectors.
Main transactions in Q2 2019
By the end of 2019, over 300,000 sqm of modern office space is forecasted to be completed. Due to the high number of office projects under development, rental levels are forecasted to remain stable. Demand for quality office space is projected to follow the same positive trend going forward.
Main Projects to be delivered in 2019
The main Bucharest office areas benchmark
The market best practice and our recommendations
If you want to get the best market PRICE/QUALITY ratio, take your time to properly run the relocation process
in this way you benefit for the best opportunity on the market
the sooner you start the information and searching process, the more you keep the benefits of your side and having a strong negotiation position.
If you want to stay in the current location, run the relocation process as if you wanted to move 100%. Make it not fake it.
in this way you empower your negotiation position with current landlord
running this process helps a company to be in a position to make an informed and assumed decision
Run relocation or renewal process through ESOP:
17 years market practice, entrepreneurial approach, cost – efficient attitude.
access to market practice and similar transactions carried over time and currently
over 700 business centers in our the largest property database in Bucharest
Founder Partner of ESOP Consulting CORFAC International, coordinator of the Corporate Office Spaces division, with 18 years of experience in real estate consulting and entrepreneurship.
THE TRADING LEVEL IN Q3 2024 Rent transactions by Category In Q3 2024, the total office area rented in Bucharest reached 78.590 sqm. Download the ESOP study_The Office Market in Q3 2024 Out of those, 48% were (Pre) Lease & Expansion transactions, while 52% were Renewal & Renegotiation transactions in the current premises. (Pre) Leases […]
THE TRADING LEVEL IN S1 2024 Rent transactions by category In S1 2024, the total office area rented in Bucharest reached 160.000 sqm. Of those, 54% were (Pre) Lease & Expansion transactions, while 46% were Renewal & Renegotiation transactions in the current premises. Download the ESOP study_The Office Market in S1 2024 (Pre)Leases & Expansions, […]
THE TRADING LEVEL IN Q1 2024 In Q1 2024, a total area of 87,316 sqm of modern office spaces were rented in Bucharest, of which approx. 52,000 sqm, representing 60%, were Renewal & Renegotiation transactions in the current premises, while 35,000 sqm, meaning 40% were (Pre) Lease & Expansion transactions. The most sought-after area of […]