Who else rents office spaces up to 350 sqm
Foundations, associations, representatives of international companies, IT companies or financial services, this is the profile of ESOP Consulting’s clients who rented spaces with surfaces between 90 and 350 sqm, in the first five and a half months of 2012.
Demand for office space with surfaces between 90 and 350 sqm
LITTLE BY LITTLE GETS GREAT. From the beginning of the year until now, the volume of rents of such spaces in Bucharest carried out through the company ESOP Consulting has amounted to a total of 4,370 sq m, as many as two medium-sized office buildings.
“The market for office spaces with areas between 90 and 350 square meters has potential. It is an excellent time to move to a representative office, benefiting from lower costs than a few years ago. There is even more flexibility from the owners, who accept more easily to repartition their buildings to ensure surfaces smaller. However, there are few offers with a very attractive price-quality ratio and well-positioned, to fully satisfy the clients “, declares Alexandru Petrescu, manager of the ESOP Consulting company.
Details of the last ten office space transactions with surfaces up to 350 sqm:
- Azomures SA rented 145 sqm, in the Louis Blank building, in the Victoriei area
- Epsilon Construction opted for 200 sqm in the Sema Park complex
- Hanns Seidl Foundation leased 170 sqm, in a new office building in the Victoria area
- Padeco Co opted for 282 sqm, in a new office building in the Izvor area
- DDB rented 319 sqm, in a new office building, in the Floreasca area
- Sintezis Birotica leased 260 sqm, in a new office building in the Unirii area
- Plus Technologies rented a 96 sq m space, at SIF Muntenia, in the Unirii area
- The Foundation for the Treatment of Obesity has opted for a space of 92 sqm, in a building with a mix of offices and residential, in the Dorobanti area
- Prochema Romania rented 145 sqm in a business center in the Cotroceni area
- Impresa Pizzarotti leased 145 sqm, in the DBH Holding building, near the Ministry of Transport
The offer of offices of 90 and 350 sqm available for rent
Spaces with surfaces between 90 and 350 sqm are available in villas, in new buildings, with mixed destination-offices and residential, in medium-sized office buildings, but also in several large business centers, which have provided adequate compartments for tenants of this type – such as Sema Park.
- Surfaces of 90-200 sqm can be rented in villas and new blocks of flats, which have office spaces on the ground floor and 1st floor and residential apartments on the upper floors, located in central and ultra-central areas. Also, in the central and the ultra-central regions, there are medium-sized office buildings (maximum 2,000 sq m), with top, representative finishes, which ensure quality offices for tenants.
- Larger areas, of 200-350 sqm, are found in medium-sized office buildings located in central and ultra-central regions, but also in several office buildings, where the owners have proved flexible and have divided the buildings into smaller modules. These include Sema Park and SIF Muntenia.
The rent level on this demand segment is between 9 euro / sqm / month and reaches 12 euro / sqm / month.
“Most leases in this market segment have been concluded in office buildings, which shows that their owners have begun to consider customers who want space for 30-100 employees and adapt their products to the needs and budget. For example, a landlord who until now only rented only one floor of 500 sq m, now divided it in two and so he found tenants easier “, says Alexandru Petrescu, manager of ESOP Consulting.